*waves excitedly*
Hello and Welcome,
Life and the ever shifting sands of time have brought you here today, to share a few moments of my dream of fulfilling someone's need with
my love for creating digital art and weaving my fictional flights of fancy.
Approximately eight years ago...
I was surfing the net, much as you might have been to lead you to this
site, when I came across an MSN group. The elegance and vibrant colors
of the entrance page left me in awe even before I became a member of
the group. I knew at that very moment I wanted to learn how to create
such beautiful artwork.
Once I bought a copy of the digital art program, the owner of the group
taught me everything she knew about the program including how to find
tutorials written by other people that could teach me above and beyond
her knowledge. That woman is to this day a very dear friend of mine.
As the sands shifted again, I found myself forming a friendship with
another woman I would soon partner up with to form another MSN group
called The Laugh-O-Lot Studio. Through the years our friendship grew as
I taught her everything I could think of pertain to the program; the rest we learned
together through more tutorials, trial and error. The Laugh-O-Studio
still exists today through a community network -yuku.com. I have even
written some of my own tutorials located on my StarLady's This and That
blog, as well as other 'basics' tutorials that may still be found in
the group. Many other tutorials have long been blown away by the wind,
so to speak.
My love for creating digital art, many many hours spent 'perfecting'
that art; and above all the love and encouragement of so many people
(friends or otherwise)-- lead me to now.
Due to many of the same influential friends, most of who are published authors, within the last year or so, I've been designing book covers and I still continue creating some other elements of web graphics such as banners, headers for blogs and websites, click-able buttons ect.
I spend my spare time writing stories, as you can see. All the stories I post here are in their rawest, roughest and most basic of form. I have quite a few stories going on behind the screens- ones I have yet to post. Keep in mind, these stories won't stayed posted forever. So check back often.
Currently, I work as a cover artist for a publishing company called Romance First Publishing. Facebook- RFP. The company excepts M/M romance that fall in many different categories - including stories that do not end with a HEA (Happily Ever After). Stories under 20,000 words are published as e-book. Stories over 20,000 words may be published as e-books and/or paperback. Do you have a story you're looking to publish? Check out the submission guidelines and pitch your story. You never know. So what are you waiting for?
Please feel free to look around. If your an author looking to self-publish or with a company and you're in need of a cover artist you may find me on Facebook under 'Mika Star (Artist, Author)' or contact me at starlady85 @ bellsouth.net.
I look forward to working with you! =)
I do not claim to own any photographs posted on this site. They are used for
entertainment, and inspiration purposes only. If there is a photo
anywhere on this site that belongs to you, I have no problem removing it
if you should want me to do so. Please politely e-mail me at the aforementioned address.